How I Made $125,000 Per Year Selling Vocals

Before building and launching Vokaal Marketplace I spent 5 years hustling to sell my own vocals to Producers and DJs. As far as I was concerned I was living the dream! I was writing and singing songs for a living (a really good living), and it was fucking awesome…

Was it easy? Not really… It took a lot of hard work but I always kept the mindset of “at least I’m not digging ditches”. The vast majority of humanity is working very hard, very unrewarding, dead-end jobs. And I never lost sight of that during my years of grinding away at my dreams.

Flash forward to today, and my new dream is to make it easier for my fellow singer-songwriters to make a living with their talents. It kills me to see how many amazingly talented singer-songwriters there are out here that have no belief in themselves or no idea how to make a living with their vocal skills.

There is no reason for us to be feeling so frustrated and defeated, and I’m about to lay out exactly how I made $125,000 per year selling my vocals to DJs and producers so that you can do the same. Just follow the 4 steps below and you’ll get there before you know it! 




Sign-Up On Then Upload Vocals To Your Vokaal “Singers” Page


Before you dive into the daily sales hustle you’ll want to have 10 to 20 vocals on your Vokaal Singers Page. Ideally you’ll have some Exclusives, Non-Exclusives, and Covers.


Bonus Note*


Top Selling Vocals Are In: 128 Bpm - 126 Bpm - 124 Bpm - 150 Bpm - 140 Bpm - Minor Key




Write / Record / Edit / Add New Vocal To Your Vokaal Singers Page Everyday (3.5 Hrs)


This is the test of a true singer-songwriting warrior. It may seem daunting but once you’ve set that time aside each day and get into the rhythm, it all becomes effortlessly enjoyable. And my process involves a timer… yup, that’s right! You’re on the clock Bub!


. 60 Minutes - Write The Damn Song

. 15 Minutes - Recharge

. 45 Minutes - Record The Damn Song

. 15 Minutes - Recharge

. 60 Minutes - Edit The Damn Song

. 15 Minutes - Pack Zip Folder + Upload To Your Singers Page




Hunt + Contact Your DJ/Producer Customers. (2 Hrs per day - 5 days per week)


. Head over to


. Sign-up for a free account


. Hit the “Discover” tab - Then click on “Artists”


. On the left of the “Artists” page you will select “Electronic” and bellow that you’ll select the specific Sub-genres of Electronic music that you think will suit your vocal style. I selected: Dance, Deep House, House, Hardstyle, Trap/Future Bass.


. You will now have a giant list of Electronic Artists ranked from #1 in the world - all the way to #50,000 in the world. This is your database of future customers / collaborators. Bookmark this page right now before moving forward.


. I would start at the #250 DJ in the world and worked my way through the list.

. When you click on a DJ/Producer name it will open up a new window with their profile page. On the left - beneath their picture you will see their Instagram Icon - Click the icon - Follow them and like the their most recent post. Now DM them with the exact message that I used to earn $125,000 per year:



Hey (name or artist name),


I’m reaching out to see if you ever need topline vocals for your tracks.


I’ve got a bunch of pre-recorded topline vocals priced from $39.95 - $399.

No feature necessary, and you keep 100% of the streaming royalties!


You can listen to all of my available vocals right here:


I hope you find something that inspires and I look forward to working with you in the near future. I also offer custom topline vocal work so if you prefer to produce your masterpieces that way, just let me know!


(Paste 2nd Message immediately after pasting the 1st Message)


Thanks so much, all the best!


(This makes it so the message doesn’t show as “shared a link” in their inbox)




Post At Least 1 Piece Of Singer-Songwriter Related Content On Socials (1 Hrs)


This is super important. You want your Instagram profile (socials) to show that you’re actively and passionately creating music as lifestyle. When the DJs and Producers that you’ve been contacting go to creep your profile they’ll see how awesome you are, which in turn will make them feel awesome about giving you their money.


Posts can be anything from lyric sheets to videos of you singing/recording your songs.


Other ideas:


Posting songs/video by artists that inspire you to write and sing, performing cover songs, performing original songs, sharing the fact that you’ve just posted a new vocal for sale on your Singers Page, going live and then posting the video on your wall as well. Music related Reels are gold too.




That’s it. That’s all I did for the past 5 years before launching Vokaal Marketplace. Anyone can do it, I did it, you can to… It just takes a little hustle, and a lot of determination with a super sized serving of consistency.


When I started my vocal selling hustle I was working as a full-time cleaner at a hotel… it was hell… I knew that I couldn’t let this be my fate. I had a dream! At first my vocal selling grind was about 15 hours a week, and cash started rolling in. After 1 month I was able to pay my rent and bills with the vocal sales money. After 2 months I quit my shitty job and went all in. Once I was able to commit full-time hours to the hustle my income exploded! I was earning 3 times the amount I was making at the hotel and it just kept building from there.


I have zero doubt that you can do the same. If you want it, you’ve got it. I promise.


* I know that 95% of you won’t put in the work necessary to succeed… but I am so overjoyed and excited for the 5% of you that are gonna be living the dream soon! *



Parker Thomas - Founder -

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